Chapter 1331 Get A Room

Everyone felt silent. 

Anson looked at Victor's cold face and smiled, "Why do I feel someone is jealous?"

Victor took a glance at him. He was totally the same as his wife. "Have you decided the name of your child?"

Anson knew he was trying to change the subject.  

Abigail said, "You don't have to worry about that. If it is a girl, I want to name her Sibyl. We haven't thought about a boy's name yet."

"So tacky!" Victor said quickly.

Anson said to him, "Tacky?! What a beautiful name for a girl! She would be my little princess."

Victor didn't care at all. When he was in a bad mood, he didn't want to hear anything. He already had a princess at home anyway. 

Abigail looked at Eden with a smile, "Eden, if it's a girl, she can be your daughter-in-law."

Before Eden said anything, Victor answered quickly, "Okay, as long as you don't think my son is too old."

Eden was a little unhappy when she heard this.