Chapter 1335 Honey, Please Start Your Performance

Eden was speechless. Sometimes, being too sweet was also a burton to her.

"Okay, okay. I'll go home and let you do whatever you want tonight." Eden compromised.

"No, I want it now," Victor said in a determined voice.

Eden said helplessly, "I still have a lot of work to do. The date of the new product launch is coming, but we haven't even found a brand ambassador yet. How can you still have time to think about that thing?"

Victor said, "I found someone, and that person will come here today. I have a press conference at noon and I will introduce this person to everyone."

"Even though you finished your work, it still doesn't mean that I don't have my work to do this morning." She didn't want to work overtime. She wanted to go back earlier to spend time with her children.

But Victor still did not want to give up. "I'll help you later." 


Before Eden could finish her words, someone knocked on the door.

Victor glared at the door and said with an angry tone, "Come in."