Chapter 1338 Is My Husband Handsome

Eden smiled. Looking at him who was in a good mood, she felt a little unfair. Why did she have to lose every time?

But seeing that he was in a good mood, she would just let him go this time. 

She didn't even know why he could make her not angry at him at all.

Now he would be more complacent next time. 

If Abby knew, she would definitely tell her that she asked for it. 

Thinking of this, she smiled and took his arm. 

Victor also looked at her and smiled gently. His smile was so dazzling, making people could not take their eyes off it.

From Ivana's angle, she could only see the gentleness in Victor's eyes, who was too handsome to make her forget how to breathe.

She stared at Victor and forgot about everything. She had never seen anyone who could be as charming as him in her life. He was domineering and gentle, and the light made him look like a prince coming from her dream. She knew she would not meet anyone like this anymore in her life.