Chapter 1344 Do You Finally Have a Sense Of Crisis?

Anson smiled and said, "Do you finally have a sense of crisis? The press conference in the morning was very shocking, and the media who released the news was a new company covered by TS Company."

Victor looked at him angrily, "He is not only determined to get Eden, but also confident to occupy the market in River City."

"Ha-ha..." Anson laughed mockingly, "He has the strength to be so confident, but are you sure that he really has the ability to defeat you?"

Victor sneered. The expression in his eyes was sarcastic, but he said with a surge of great fury, "Whether in print or in private, I'm not afraid of him, but he has been affecting the relationship between me and Eden. I really hate it. Today he even sent a message to Eden to express his love." When he thought of this, he flew into a rage.

He wished that he could kill him.

"Ha-ha..." Brian laughed, "Victor, it serves you right." He had wanted to say this for a whole day, and he finally said it,