Chapter 1348 Question Their Marriage

Eden paused and then quickly walked towards Victor.

Victor didn't ask anything, took her hand and walked into the elevator.

As for Irving, he still sat there quietly. He was not angry or sad. There was no expression on his face.

He believed that there was nothing he couldn't get.

He had accompanied Eden for three years, and one day she suddenly disappeared. That feeling was indeed very terrible, and he had lived in sorrow for many years.

When he met Eden again, the nasty feeling disappeared.

He didn't want to miss Eden and regret again. Since they had met again, he had a chance, didn't he?

Seeing that Eden looked unhappy, Victor asked sullenly, "Did you change his mind?"

Eden shook her head. He had known the answer, but he asked her deliberately, which made her displeased, "He's out of his head, and I had no way to change his mind."

"So, why did you have to talk to him and annoy yourself? He is indeed out of his mind." Victor wanted to scold Irving even more.