Chapter 1352 She would Own Everything That Other Women Had

Victor quickly lowered his head and kissed her on the lips, "Fool, I only know you. I learnt these from you."

Eden was slightly surprised. Why didn't she know that she was such amazing?

"Ha-ha..." Eden couldn't help laughing, "Victor, you understand women more and more. I'm worried that I'll have more rivals in love."

Looking at her smiling face,Victor was obsessed. She looked very lovely when she smiled.

As a result, he always got sexually aroused.

He said with depression, "Eden, I worry about you the most. So many men like you. Look at you. You are the mother of three children, but you're well-shaped. Eden, I am jealous." When Victor stayed with her, he was really shameless and readily spoke his mind.

In front of her, he could be his real self.

Eden frowned. Why did his words sound so annoying?