Chapter 1356 Are You Kidding?

Eden thought about it. Recently, there was a lot of negative news about Alwynn Group, and it had social influence indeed.

But it wouldn't affect her future, would it?

Eden didn't understand what Ivana was thinking. The news was only about her and Victor, and it was not something serious. The problem could be solved, and they were solving it.

Eden said apologetically, "Miss Rawlins, Alwynn Group should be responsible for the news indeed. We have taken legal actions against the reporters who fabricated rumours. There will be a result soon. If this matter has a bad influence on you, as the wife of the president of Alwynn Group, I am here to apologize to you. I'm sorry, Miss Rawlins."

Eden's generous and calm apology made Ivana's face darken even more.