Chapter 1374 Do You Mean That I\'m a Fool?

Eden looked at Gia doubtfully. She knew that they were hiding something from her.

She took a sip of water and then shook her head.

If she drank too much water, she would feel uncomfortable when she lay down. 

Eden glanced at Abigail, "Abby, you are quite tired today. Go back first."

"No! How can I leave you alone? Aunt Jaida has to take care of the whole family and Graciella's children. If she came here to look after you, wouldn't she be tireder? Anyway, I have nothing to do. I will stay here with you and chat with you." She was afraid that Eden would suffer a blow after she knew the news about Victor.

After all, this matter was more serious than ever. They were both women. When she saw such a scene, she was so angry that she wanted to kill Victor, not to mention Eden.

Victor was such a cautious person, but there were too many gossips about him recently. She really couldn't figure out the reason.