Chapter 1380 It Was Her

Kenneth said, "Mom, wait a minute. I'll finish it soon."

"Oh!" Eden answered casually and started to eat the fruit out of boredom.

She prepared the fruit for the children, but she had eaten half of it in a few minutes.

Seeing that Kenny had not finished his work, she was a little discouraged. Kenny would be so busy after he grew up. Would he have time to date with a girl?

Eden could not help but worry if she would have a daughter-in-law.

Of course, she did not have to worry about Ricky. Ricky was plausible and easy-going, and many girls liked him.

However, Kenny was different. He kept a straight face all day long and didn't like a child at all.

Eden was about to eat up all the fruit, but Kenny was still busy.

He typed on the keyboard with his slender fingers skillfully, and his brooding eyes looked so serious.

Looking at his adorable face, Eden sighed with admiration in heart. Kenny was more handsome than Victor when he was young.