Chapter 1403 Warm And Happy Castle

"Ha-ha..." Candace smiled with a red face, "It's just because you give me a sense of security that I want to be with you. Maybe when you knocked me down in the hospital, we were destined to be together. When my mother asked me to go on a blind date, I always thought of you." She spoke her mind with a red face, and her big watery eyes were full of tender affection.

That was why she came to this city to see him.

After getting along with him for a period of time, she felt that he was very suitable for her. She was a gentle and quiet girl who liked to stay at home, while he was capable and kindhearted. He had the ability to protect her, and his family was rich. She just wanted such a boyfriend.

The main reason why he had sex with him last night was that she really loved him.

He was as perfect as the overbearing president in her novel.

Hearing her words, Adonis was like over the moon.

Fate turned out to be so wonderful.