Chapter 1409 Meet My Prince Charming

Eden smiled blandly as she looked Melissa up and down with wicked eyes, "You're right. I'm just a jinx. Anyone who has offended me will suffer a lot. You'd better take a detour when you see me in the future. Otherwise, next time, not only your hands will be broken, but your legs and face will also be ruined." 

"You..." Hearing her words, Melissa could even imagine Victor's cold and cruel expression.

She couldn't help shivering.

Seeing this, Dahlia knew that they couldn't outargue Eden at this time. 

She persuaded Melissa, "Miss Craig, forget it. Let's go and treat your hand first."

"Humph! She's just a daughter of a humble family, but she is so arrogant and proud just because of her husband. She will be taught a lesson sooner or later!" Since Melissa couldn't beat Eden, she had to mock her.

"Ha-ha... You're from a wealthy family, but you're not nobler than me, are you? We live in the world equally, and you're not even as successful as me!"