Chapter 1423 I Don\'t Like Owing Favors

"Eden, are you all right?" Candace's face was pale as she looked at Eden worriedly. She was really scared just now.

Thinking of Eden's brave performance just now, she was impressed. She came to save the girl, but she did not expect that she would be in trouble, too.

Eden looked at them. Seeing that there was no wound on their bodies, she finally heaved a sigh of relief, "I'm fine. How about you two?"

They shook their heads.

Eden said anxiously, "Candace, hurry up and go back to the hospital. Adonis is in danger."

"What? Adonis..." Candace's eyes blurred with tears instantly.

Eden looked at her and patted her on the shoulder gently, "Candace, be strong. Adonis will be fine. He loves you so much. I have known him for so many years, but I have never seen him love someone like this. He even thought about you when he fainted. He will be safe and sound."

"Mm..." Candace nodded, and a few drops of tears fell on the ground.