Chapter 1429 I Have a Beloved Woman

"Ah..." Paula ran her fingers through her hair in despair.

How could she fall on evil days all the time? How unlucky she was!


She would never give up like this, and she believed that she would not be so unlucky forever.

Paula felt bitter, angry and sad, and she had mixed feelings in heart.

"Eden, could you not meddle in this matter?"

Eden said, "I'm not meddling in your affairs. What I care about is Delmont's happiness. You can't make him happy."

Paula smiled and looked at her, "Eden, why are you so sure that I can't give him happiness?"

"Because of your character." Eden answered her without hesitation.

"Paula, I'll warn you once again. Stay away from Delmont. I know exactly what you're thinking, and I also know that you want to prove that you can win his heart. But I can remind you that if you can withstand the pressure from the Clement family, you can be with him recklessly. But I hope that you won't get badly hurt in the end."