Chapter 1440 Leave After Saying Sorry

Eden said, "Expel the three shop assistants, and Alwynn Group will never hire them again. In the future, every new employee should undergo an intense training programme before beginning work. I don't want such a thing to happen again."

"Okay, Mrs. Alwynn." Dean wrote down what she said.

The three shop assistants were dumbfounded.

It was very difficult to enter Alwynn Group, and they came here to work for the salary. They looked down their noses at others just because the high-end atmosphere had changed their states of mind.

One of the shop assistants couldn't accept the fact, "Mrs. Alwynn, she did this, and it has nothing to do with me. Mrs. Alwynn, I have to support my family, and I can't lose this job. Please give us a chance."