Chapter 1443 She Said That I Was a Scum

Eden looked at his depressed back and did not say anything.

Then she looked at the three children, "Babes, have you finished your homework?"

"Mom, have we ever made you worry about our homework?"

Gia made a face at Eden.

Eden smiled. She had never worried their homework indeed.

"Continue to do homework. I'll go to see your father."

Kenny looked at Eden with a strange smile, "Mom, will you really let dad kneel on the durain? Can you bear to do that?"

Eden smiled wickedly and did not answer his question, "Come and call us when the dinner is ready."

After that, she walked to her room.

Ricky smiled and asked, "Mom, dad spoils you so much that you even dare to let him kneel on the durian. If he gets something on you, he won't let you go."

Eden looked at him angrily, "Humph! It seems that you've been spoiled, too. You don't love me anymore."

After saying that, Eden turned around and walked to the room.