Chapter 1450 Candace Was Pregnant

Standing in the corridor, Eden smiled silently. Delmont was more affectionate than she thought.

But he had to work eleven hours a day and six days a week, so it was really hard for him to come here everyday.

Moreover, he managed the supermarkets alone.

Buddy managed the clothing company and other companies, but Wyatt would help him.

Delmont had become steadier these years, so Wyatt let him develop his business on his own.

He and Adrienne were too sweet.

Eden didn't disturb Adrienne and went straight to see Candace.

When she entered the ward, she didn't see Candace. Adonis was still lying on the hospital bed quietly, and he looked much better.

"Ugh..." All of a sudden, the sound of vomiting came from the bathroom.

Eden walked over quickly and saw Candace vomiting beside the toilet.

She was shocked and asked worriedly, "Candace, what's wrong with you?"

"Ugh... " Before Candace could answer her, she lowered her head and vomited again, but she did not spit anything out.