Chapter 1457 Don\'t Believe Your Wife\'s Words

Eden did not pay the attention to the man just now. Hearing his words, she raised her head and looked at him carefully. The man's smile was a little evil, and his eyes were somewhat indecent.

Eden's expression turned cold, "Sir, such a way to start a conversation is outdated. Thank you for handing me the tissue just now. I don't think it's unnecessary to give you my phone number."

Saying this, Eden was about to leave.

However, the man did not let her go and stood in front of her, "Miss, I want to make friends with you because you are pretty."

Eden was so angry but she laughed. The reason why he wanted to make friends with her was that she was good-looking. This man was really a scum.

"I'm sorry. Sir, you're too ugly, so I don't want to make friends with you." Eden looked at the man with disdain. He looked gentle, but had a disgusting heart.