Chapter 1461 You Must Not Let Miss Calder Be Found Out

Victor looked at him and said nothing.

Eden looked at Ricky as well. It was naturally a good thing that he had a kind heart.

"Ricky, we can't help her in this way. We can give her a chance, but she needs to fight for the endorsement on her own. We're going to choose a spokesperson, and you can let her go to Alwynn Group for audition. The threshold for Alwynn Group is high. Giving her a chance has helped her a lot."

"Ah..." Henrick was a little worried, "Mom, Alma is not very outgoing. She is shy."

Eden smiled, "Ricky, you are wrong. Some people will work harder when they are given a chance."

Henrick frowned and said gloomily, "You're right, mom. Alma is not someone who gets nervous while doing something and boasts after doing it."

If she was such a person, they wouldn't become friends.

Eden looked at him, "Ricky, then we'll give her a chance. As long as she is not lazy and idle, she can succeed."