Chapter 1463 Apologize

Eden smiled and said unconcernedly, "It's just a small achievement, and there's no need to celebrate."

"Eden, you're too modest." He looked at her quietly. She had always been like this, and she never wanted to attract people's attention.

She was the most wonderful when she was quiet.

Looking at her, he was in a peaceful state of mind.

"I'm not being modest. It is really unnecessary to celebrate it." Eden replied to him perfunctorily.

Victor looked at Irving's gentle eyes, feeling that he was too impulsive just now. He shouldn't have asked Irving to come up and apologize to Eden. 

He had created an opportunity for Irving, hadn't he?

Victor was furious in heart.

Dealing with Irving was not as simple as dealing with other men. He knew when to eat humble pie and when to hold his head high. The most important thing was that he was good-tempered, scheming and stubborn. He was outwardly kind but inwardly cruel, so Victor didn't know how to deal with him.