Chapter 1476 Yes. I Want To See Him.

Eden smiled a little helplessly. She had previously refused the people Victor had arranged to secretly protect her.

Although they followed her secretly, she felt that she still had to rely on herself at the critical moment.

If they were too far away, they wouldn't catch up at the critical moment.

"By the way, why are you all surnamed Welan?" She was curious.

Aro answered, "We are all orphans adopted by Mr. Calder and do his bidding. All we have is from Mr. Calder and will serve you in the future."

Eden heard it and understood it.

Her dad was kind and generous. He helped many orphans. If they were willing to stay with him, they would be sent to learn skills. If they were unwilling, they could also live the life they wanted.

"Thank you. I am very grateful for you being so loyal. Let's go to the hospital now." Eden no longer refused. Dad should have sensed the danger, so he asked them to protect her.

Anthony took the things she was holding, opened the trunk and put them away.