Chapter 1488 You\'d Better Resign From Your Job

As Eden spoke, she cast a glance at Paula, who was taking pleasure in her misfortune from aside.

When she met Eden's eyes, her heart skipped a beat. She didn't expect that Eden would blame everything on her. 

Eden quickly got rid of the group of reporters, and all of them left embarrassedly. 

Paula was stunned. These were all the reporters arranged by Carolyn.

How could Eden get rid of them so easily? 

At this time, she saw Eden started walking towards her. 

However, Eden just took a look at her without saying anything, and then walked directly to the company.

Eden's gaze sent a chill on Paula's spine. 

Then she followed Eden back to the office in a panic. 

Eden put down her bag and poured herself a glass of hot water.

She stood by the French window with hot water in her hand and looked at the beautiful scenery of snow in the distance. She was in a very bad mood.

She had always known how scary a person's heart could be. An insatiable desire would really destroy a person.