Chapter 1507 Forever And Loyal Love

Eden nodded, "I thought Buddy knew Delmont the most. But thinking about it now, I don't think he really knows Delmont."

"Yeah! We'll understand him more in the future. Honey, it's late. Let's go to bed." Victor didn't allow her to refuse. He got up, carried her in his arms and walked to the soft bed.

Eden did not reject him.

They had a torrid and happy night.

Victor was in a good mood when he went to work the next morning. Only Eden was sleepy.

On the way, she rolled her eyes at Victor many times.

However, Victor accepted it with joy. He bought Eden her favorite steamed buns halfway.

Only then did Eden look better. She ate the steamed buns all the way and fed two to Victor.

In Victor's opinion, such days were the happiest.

Victor was pleased. It was not only because he had a wonderful night last night, but also because Irving would fly into a rage that day. At the thought of this, all the unhappiness in his heart disappeared.