Chapter 1527 He Had Underestimated Dahlia

Victor stood up to open the door. Dean stood at the door with a smile, "Mrs. Alwynn, this is the lunch ordered by Mrs. Alwynn."

"Okay!" Victor took lunch and turned into the office.

Dean smiled and left.

Eden suddenly stopped him, "Dean."

Dean turned around with a smile and looked at Eden, "Mrs. Alwynn, what else can I do for you?"

"Did you investigate Danielle on your own?"

"Yes! I followed her for a few days and inquired about her around her school for several days. The information is right. Do you have any other problem after reading the information?"

Eden shook her head, "Forget it. Call her and ask her to come to work. Arrange a position for her in the design department first." Even if Danielle had other intentions, she could know what she wanted to do after she worked in the company. 

However, she didn't understand why she felt familiar with her design drafts.

"Okay, Mrs. Alwynn. I'll call her right away." Dean left quickly.