Chapter 1529 Are You Born To Be So Annoying?

"Mr. Alwynn, I think Barrett will absolutely invite you."

Seeing that Victor did not speak, Dean added fearlessly.

Victor looked at him, "Dean, are you born to be so annoying?"

"Ha-ha..." Dean laughed obsequiously, "Mr. Alwynn, in fact, I want to have a wife and listen to her everyday."

"Oh..." Victor chuckled, "It turns out that you're henpecked."

Dean smiled generously and nodded, "Mr. Alwynn, if I could marry a woman who is as excellent as Mrs. Alwynn, I'd like to be henpecked."

Victor was speechless. Would Dean be so lucky?

"Dean, according to my observation, you're simply too annoying. That's just your wishful thinking."

"Perhaps you can marry a woman like Eden in your dream." Victor said ostentatiously. He always looked so proud when he mentioned his wife and children.

Dean was stunned. Why did Victor look down on him like this?

Fine, he asked for it.

"Mr. Alwynn, it seems that we've wandered from the subject. Let's stick to the point."