Chapter 1539 Am I Unreliable?

Victor rubbed her head habitually, "Fool, that's right. The three children can learn a lot abroad."

"Yes!" Eden nodded. Ricky had always been very clingy to her. He would grow up soon after leaving her.

They returned to the company.

Lucian soon entered the office with a stack of documents.

He placed the documents on the table.

Seeing this, Victor frowned and said blandly, "Is the Simpson family so complicated?" 

Lucian sat opposite them slowly, and there was no emotion in his calm eyes.

Seeing him like this, Eden felt that his life seemed to have returned to normal, but he had become more pensive.

He acted as if Amelia had never appeared in his life.

"How can you make preparation if I don't get the complete information? It took me two days to find out these information. Kenny told me some information when he left."

The expression in Victor's eyes changed. Kenny knew how serious this matter was.