Chapter 1541 The Cruise Ship Belongs To Victor

Suddenly, people burst into an uproar at the entrance and someone exclaimed.

Dahlia and Dulcie looked at the door.

Carlotta, who was dressed in a white and neat suit, walked in with her assistant.

Seeing Carlotta, Dulcie had mixed feelings in heart.

The suit Carlotta wore was not designed by her, but a limited-edition designed by Eden.

This series of suits had won many strong women's favour, and Carlotta loved it very much.

She once sent Carlotta many unique clothes she designed, but Carlotta rarely wore them, which made her feel more and more upset.

That night, she used Carlotta to deal with Eden, but she didn't expect their friendship to be ruined in the end.

Since that night, Carlotta had never called her again.

Staring at Dulcie, Dahlia frowned and asked, "Has she turned against you completely?"