Chapter 1557 It\'s a Deal

"Okay! That's settled. I'll ask Dean to release the news." The piece of land that Misael gave him was much better than that of Irving. It had a beautiful location.

The most important thing was that it was a trap for Irving.

Since this b*stard dared to cast a greedy eye on Eden, he had to pay a heavy price.

When Irving was preparing for the party, he suddenly saw the news that Victor was going to auction that piece of land.

Seeing this, Irving stamped his feet with a frenzy of rage.

Aidan said, "Mr. Matthews, the auction will be held five days before the diamond ring is auctioned."

"D*mn it! No matter what Victor does, he can earn hundreds of millions of dollars. Dahlia and Melissa have caused me to suffer a great loss! They're two idiots!" Irving's eyes turned blood-shot in anger. The piece of land was the knot in his heart. It had been taken away easily by Victor, and he had been unwilling to accept the fact.