Chapter 1563 Deal With Paula

After Victor left, Dean added coldly, "If you make Mrs. Alwynn unhappy, Mr. Alwynn will make everyone in the company suffer. At that time, all of us will aim at you!"  

Paula was stunned. D*mn it! How could they bully her like this?

But what did Eden suddenly become so angry?

Why did she suddenly say so?

Had she found something out?

No way. Paula remembered that she didn't show off before Eden that day. 

She had suffered several times before. This time, she would not let her guard down and let Eden suspect her.

By the way, Eden spoke to her harshly after she checked her message. 

Paula couldn't figure it out and could only go back to her office in dismay.

Not far away, Thalia looked at her back and sneered.

"Eden, did Paula provoke you again?"

Victor returned to the office and saw Eden standing in front of the French window. She looked out of the window with a worried face.