Chapter 1573 Don\'t Dirt My Territory

"Humph! Victor, I don't believe that you can throw weight around here." Chelsea did not believe that he had the final say in the police station The Simpson family was also powerful.

"Victor, I came to meet you today because I want to solve the problems between our families in peace, but your attitude really makes me disappointed. Friendliness is conducive to business success, but you..."

"My way of doing things is none of your business. I only know that since you've hurt my sweetheart, you have to pay the corresponding price. Get out of here! Don't dirty my territory!" Victor said coldly and angrily. Then, he walked into the company with Eden.

Chelsea was so mad that her chest heaved violently. She had never seen such an ungrateful person.

"Victor, you will regret it." She roared at Victor's back.

Victor did not stop, but there was a weird eyes on his face.

"Victor, I've done unto them what they did to me. You don't have to do anything else."