Chapter 1579 Do You Only Know How to Steal?

Eden asked, "What are you laughing at?"

Irving smiled and said, "Eden, I once read some sentences in your diary: What you can't get may not be the best. What is lost is not necessarily the most valuable either. What you have now may not be what you dreamed of, but it is truly yours. I look forward to tomorrow, that is really all my own.

In fact, at that time, I knew that you were eager for a warm home, but you refused everyone's kindness to you and put all your focus on the Gienger family. That's why you was alone without anyone company.

I've dreamed of making you happy and of making you less lonely. But you only care about the Gienger family.

No matter how I try to get your attention around you, you always ignore me. Everything I did to you only got you a nod and your pure smile, but I was already satisfied."

Eden was slightly stunned. It turned out that Irving had been paying attention to her at that time.