Chapter 1602 I Just Want You To Owe Me

Victor read it very fast. He scanned the list and remembered the names.

Irving was among them, and he was determined to get the diamond ring.

Victor returned the list to Dean.

Dean looked at Eden and said jokingly, "Mrs. Alwynn, you are so cool and impressive today. Such a woman like Chelsea should be taught a lesson, but..."

Dean looked at his phone. The reporters got the news very quickly, and they had reported what happened just now .

Seeing that he wanted to say something but stopped, Eden said with a smile, "But this matter has been reported online."

"Yes!" Dean passed the phone to Eden.

Eden scanned the news casually. Netizens all had one-sided views. They knew that she had been framed by Chelsea, and they begun to defend her.

They cursed Chelsea for being so vicious.

She did not understand what the netizens were thinking about, but some comments were more attractive than the headline.