Chapter 1619 A Not Lonely New Year

"Lucian, happy new year. Take good care of yourself. I'm well of now!" 

"Amelia," Lucian looked at the text message with excitement. He wanted to call back but he couldn't find the number.

He laughed at himself helplessly. Amelia was so good at computing science, so surely she wouldn't let him find her if she didn't want him to.  

"D*mn it!" Lucian quickly went to the second floor, connected the phone to the computer, and quickly input a set of data into it. But it was still too late. The other party had already logged out, and there was no trace of the address any more.

He slammed the desk with a loud bang, and the penholder on the desk was shaken to the ground, making a banging sound.

"Amelia, you'd better not let me catch you. You've messed up my life. You set a trap for me and left me like that. Let me catch you and see how I'll teach you a lesson." Lucian murmured to himself with a cold smile. He was fuming but he didn't notice that his tone was still very gentle.