Chapter 1622 Had No Courage To Answer Her

Giada pretended to be helpless and looked at her. Did Eden mean that she had pretended not to be interested in extra-curricular classes before? 

"Mom, what are you talking about? I were just not interested in those extra-curricular classes before. The extra-curricular classes here are different from those in River City. I've experienced them once, and I like them very much. I want to learn lyre-playing, chess, calligraphy and painting, as well as horse riding and archery."

"No problem, Gia. I'll transfer the money to your grandmother's account in a minute." He was so happy that Gia was willing to learn so many things.

"Okay! Thank you, dad. I'll take it as the lucky money you give me. As the New Year begins, I'll start a new life, and I will definitely be the top student in my class. If I can't go back with excellent grades, I will feel sorry for myself and you two. After all, you're old now."

Eden and Victor were stunned.

"Ahem..." Victor coughed because of her words.