Chapter 1626 Something Wrong With Their Relationship

"Oh, are you in a hurry? I'm going to the design department right now. There are some things that I don't understand." Paula looked very embarrassed. She had been busy sharing her photos online at noon. She even wanted to do live stream to make money. She had been driven into a corner by the mortgage.

She had to pay eight million dollars, and this was too much for her, but living in a luxurious house was great.

After suffering came happiness. She wanted to repay the loan and then live a wonderful life alone.

With sharp and apathetic eyes, Eden said in an unfriendly tone, "The meeting was held in the morning, but haven't you organized the minutes? An hour later, you have to send Grandma Weaving's custom-made clothes to her. It had been delayed last year, and you must give it to her today."

"Why should I send the clothes to her today?" Paula was stunned, and her eyes were filled with displeasure. She had a lot of work to do that day.