Chapter 1631 Now We Have No News About Her

Nash said next to them, "Mrs. Weaving, it can't be wrong. We had the DNA test twice. They're father and daughter."

Another man smiled and congratulated Angela, "Congratulations, Mrs. Weaving. You finally found your granddaughter. Your wish has always been my father's wish."

"Yeah, two generations in your families have been trying to find my granddaughter." Angela looked at them gratefully. Thanks to their unremitting efforts, she had a chance to see her granddaughter again.

"Mrs. Weaving, you've never given up, and your sincerity is finally rewarded." Nash was so happy. Angela was very kind. In order to find her granddaughter, she had been doing charity work and doing good deeds. She wanted to find her granddaughter for her dead family's sake.

She had been looking for her for more than twenty years.

"That;s right. Thank you." Angela looked grateful. At this moment, her heart, which had been uneasy for decades, was finally relived.