Chapter 1636 We Can Get Used To Doing It

After Eden and Victor got off work, they went straight to Abigail's house to see Ayman.

As soon as they entered the house, they saw Anson and Abigail sitting on the sofa sleepily. Anson was holding Ayman in his arms with drowsiness. Sometimes, he woke up with a start.

Eden was stunned. Didn't they sleep last night?

Victor was surprised. Was it so tiring to look after a baby?  

Anson was taking a nap. If he knew what Victor was thinking, he would refute him with disdain.

"Abby, Anson, you..." Eden wanted to say something but stopped on second thought. She knew that if the child cried and didn't sleep at night, they would all be very sleepy.

Seeing Eden, Abigail acted as if she had seen her lifesaver, "Eden, take care of Ayman for me tonight. I really can't stand it anymore. He cries and doesn't sleep these nights. Anson and I have never slept well."