Chapter 1642 Many People Don\'t Like You

Lucian looked away silently. Victor was so charming to people of all ages and both sexes.

"I thought you knew nothing except for work. But when will you end your bland life?" Victor looked at him. Angela was very touched by what he had done for Amelia.

Lucian looked out of the window, and the expression in his brooding and deep eyes was hard to understand. After a while, he said, "Amelia doesn't want to see me, but she will see Grandma Weaving. She may find her before I do."

"That's possible." Victor nodded slightly.

Lucian leaned against the seat slowly and still looked out of the window. Spring came round to the earth again and everything looked fresh and gay. The trees on both sides of the road were budding. So many thoughts of Amelia were crowded into his mind.

When he sent Angela back that night, he told Angela a lot along the way.

Angela didn't give up looking for Amelia, either.