Chapter 1650 Why She Never Learns?

After drinking some water, Eden closed her eyes comfortably and wanted to continue to sleep. Victor did not say anything but just covered her shoulders with the quilt.

When he put her hands in the quilt, he saw the scratches on the back of her hand. He instantly felt his heart ached. The scratches were treated by the nurse already, still had some yellow stain from the medicine. He had similar scratches before, so he knew how painful they were. 

He took the cotton pad on the cabinet and gently wiped it clean.

He did it very gently, but Eden's hand still moved because of the pain.  

He glanced at Eden who was still sleeping, wondering why she still didn't learn from it even though it was so painful. 

Then he went out quietly, standing in the cold wind for a long time.

He knew why she did this. She was so eager to have a happy family, so she would not give up on it now after she finally had it.