Chapter 1652 Do You Want Something To Happen To Me?

Seeing that Victor was still not back yet, Eden decided to walk around this area a little longer. 

The sky was clear and the air was so fresh, so she felt that she was in a much better mood. 


Hearing this familiar voice, Eden was slightly stunned. She turned around and saw Myra who was standing there and holding a baby in her arms. The person standing beside her was Jacob.

"You..." Eden knew that they were together, but she did not expect to see them here today. 

"Eden, this is our child, Adonis." Myra said with a smile. 

Eden nodded and looked at the baby who had Jacob's features.

"Such a beautiful baby!" Eden walked over, gently held the baby's hand, and smiled.

The baby also looked at her and smiled from ear to ear. His pink cheeks looked very cute.

Then she smiled at Jacob as a greeting.