Chapter 1656 Do Not Touch Her

"Eden, you should go back and rest first. I can handle this." Irving saw Eden's tired face and couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

Victor was being investigated at this time, so he would not be here for a while.

Eden looked at him and shook her head. "Thank you, Irving. But I want to handle this matter myself."

Irving said with a bitter smile, "You still don't trust me." 

Eden looked at the bitterness in his eyes and felt a little guilty in her heart. At the moment when she saw Irving, she indeed suspected him.

However, anyone would suspect him if they were in this situation.

And she was only human. 

"I trust you," Eden said without thinking.

Irving narrowed his eyes and smiled gently. 

"Who are you? If you are not the person in charge, do not waste our time here ." The woman looked at them and said impatiently.

"Shut up!" Irving cast an angry gaze at the woman. 

The woman was instantly frightened and hid behind the other woman, staring at Irving's face cautiously.