Chapter 1660 Lemmon City

"Pears?" Victor was totally confused. Why did he feel that it was not the case? 

Why did he feel that he was the pear in her mind? 

Eden looked at him and said at the same time, "You look like a pear."

Victor glanced at her and knew that she would say this.

"Eden, I've been..." 

"Dreaming of snakes?" Eden had already heard what Victor said. 

"Right," Lucian nodded. "It seems that you have some experiences on this." 

Eden smiled and said, "I did dream of it a lot at that time. Don't worry too much about it, but it's possible."

She knew Lucian used to go to the Marriott Hotel with Amelia a lot.  

"Really?" Lucian narrowed his eyes slightly. He actually hoped that it would be the case.

He always wished that he and Amelia could have a cute baby together. 

Thinking of this, Lucian sighed slightly and did not say anything anymore. 

Eden knew that he was thinking of Amelia again, so she didn't say anything either.