Chapter 1662 Has He Finally Figured It Out

Eden looked at the comments and found there were many paid posters that were trying to throw mud on Alwynn Group, however, their own posters seemed to have done nothing about it. 

She saw it went down last weekend when Lucian started intervening, but it seemed to be back to the trending list again today.

Just as she was reading all the comments, a notification popped out. Irving and her own names in the headline drew her attention. 

She frowned and quickly clicked the news. The red headline said: Eden Blew, Irving Matthews's new lover.

The picture underneath was the moment when she was pushed into Irving's arms that day. 

Irving looked at her affectionately and worriedly in the photo, and she looked at him with an upset face.

There were many people who commented on it already. Some people were calling her names, whilst some others were feeling sorry for Dahlia.