Chapter 1664 Did You Investigate Me Again?

Thalia took the box and Eden took the black card. After leaving the counter, Eden looked at Paula and said, "Paula, you have such a bad temper. Doesn't Terry think you're annoying?"

Paula's heart skipped a beat and she looked at Eden nervously. There were many people around them, and those were all rich young men and young ladies. She didn't dare to lose her temper, so she suppressed the anger in her heart, approached Eden and asked in a low voice, "Eden, did you investigate me again?"

Eden didn't even look at her, "Do I need to investigate it? You two always go out together openly. But I have to remind you that his wife is a very powerful person. If you're found out one day, you'd better not fight with her in the company and disgrace our company." She didn't want to say such words, but Paula was so rude to Thalia just now.

Aro got these information while investigating Paula.