Chapter 1670 Got Drunk

Speaking of Mr. Klein, Eden thought of Alice, the little girl who wanted to be her daughter-in-law. She couldn't help laughing. How adorable and lovely Alice was!

She had the same personality as Gia, but she was much gentler than Gia.

Gia was too careless and casual.

"Could I see Alice?" Eden asked.

She heard that Ricky's classmate Alma was a sensible and cute girl, and she performed well in Alwynn Group.

Ricky reminded her to pay more attention to Alma frequently.

"Yeah. Mr. Klein is well-informed. He knows that I am in Lemmon Ctiy and wants to invite us to dinner. I have promised him. He will come with his wife and daughter."

"Oh, then let's have dinner together. I haven't seen Alice for a long time, and I miss her. She must have grown much taller." Eden was looking forward to meeting the adorable little girl.