Chapter 1684 A Pigeon Pair

"How can I leave? Amelia gave birth to twins. How can you take care of Amelia alone? At the very least, you need two people to hold this twin. How can you take care of two kids and Amelia all by yourself if I leave?"

Libby looked at Lucian quietly. Could he have three hands?

Lucian was silent for an instant because he had to admit that he didn't know how to take care of a child.

He also couldn't immediately hire a postpartum doula.

Suddenly, a loud baby's cry came out of the operating room.

“It’s only been 20 minutes. A c-section is so fast these days.” Libby said excitedly.

Lucian looked at the door of the operating room in surprise. That cry of the baby thrilled him.

He felt an indescribable feeling, which gave him an overwhelming sense of satisfaction.

"It gave birth, it gave birth to Amelia." He was so excited that his whole body tensed up and adrenaline flowed through his blood. His excitement was beyond words.