Chapter 1688 Piss Him Off.

"Hang in there. it won't hurt in two or three days." Lucian lowered his head and kissed the tears on her face.

Amelia felt much better when she heard his gentle voice.

Her eyes seemed to be washed with tears and became bright. She looked at Lucian with a smile and said, "Kiss me again."

Lucian paused for a moment, then felt amused, "Bad girl, don't push your luck."

"I'm only like this in front of you. Come on, you don't even know how much I've missed you during this time." Her eyes shone brightly, as if calling to him.

Her words made him lose his senses instantly. He lowered his head and kissed her red lips fiercely. If not for the thought that she was now weak, he would have punished her.

Amelia's whole body went limp as she leaned into his arms.

She smiled because she felt that he loved her very much.

She can be a little self-indulgent when she’s favored, can’t she?