Chapter 1690 Almost Fell Into Her Trap.

Eden understood her thoughts. She didn't want to be a burden to Lucian, and that's why she left. After leaving, regret and sadness was inevitable.

Because she loved him too much and was afraid that he would be hurt, she chose to let go.

"Lucian actually understands you. Of course, he thinks he can protect you.  He doesn't blame you for you leaving, but he blames himself for not giving you enough sense of security."

She did understand Lucian.

Since Lucian loved Amelia, how could he blame Amelia for making such a decision?

On the contrary, Amelia was also doing this for his own good. She also didn't want him to get hurt, so she left.

When one loved someone deeply, she only wanted to make him happy and safe. How could she let his life be a little threatened?

Amelia thought the same at that time.