Chapter 1705 Do You Really Have To Be So Harsh

Victor wasn't there, so Eden filled a cup of coffee for herself while humming. She was in a good mood, thinking it was a good choice to make a cup of coffee.

When she just sat down with the coffee mug in her hand, 

the doorbell rang. 

She looked at the door and said, "Come on in."

Paula pushed the door open and walked in with a lot of documents in her hands. 

Eden glanced at her. It seemed that Paula had been doing quite well recently in fashion. Her taste in clothes looked much better, and she even changed her hairstyle. No one would be able to tell what a scheming person she was from her appearance.

Eden did not say anything, but lowered her head and took a sip of coffee.

Ever since she turned Paula down last time, she felt that she had never seen Paula smile at her anymore. 

And she was the same, always looked so indifferent whenever she saw Paula.