Chapter 1707 It Is Exactly The Same

Eden looked carefully and found that Carlotta's dress was indeed exactly the same as Karlee's.

Usually, Dulcie would be with them, but Eden didn't see her today. 

Dulcie was really good at playing people off against one another, therefore, the relationship between them was very tense.

Eden hadn't seen them together for a long time now. She could tell that Carlotta was very smart and cautious. 

Victor supported her father a lot in last year's election, so she stopped making trouble for her now.


Eden sneered. It seemed that Dahlia was the one who was most good at making use of people.

But who made the dress for Carlotta?

Someone clearly stole her design.

Eden found a quiet place to sit down and sent a message to Karlee. "Have you been wearing your dress before the party?"

"No, it's my first time to wear it today. Because it's too beautiful, I wanted to save it until the most important occasion."

Eden knew problem was not with Karlee.