Chapter 1721 Eden Is Missing

Victor started the car, held the steering wheel with one hand and drove out.

"Go to my house immediately." Then he hung up the phone.

Anson glanced at Abigail.

Abigail heard their conversation and urged him, "Hurry up and go there! This is something serious. If anything bad happens to Eden, I will not forgive you."

Anson was speechless. Abigail's partiality hurt his heart.

However, he did not dare to complain. He put Ayman in Abigail's arms carefully before he picked up his phone and went out.

Their houses were not far away from each other. He could see Victor's house as soon as he went out. 

But at this time, it was pitch-dark in Victor's house.

He frowned. Eden should be at home.

He glanced at the car not far away, but he didn't see any bodyguard.

What was wrong with the bodyguards? Why did they have no reaction?

He dialed Eden's number. The phone rang for a long time, but no one answered it.